Tyler Day Gives Lesson At Local University

Written by Tyler Day

Recently, I was invited to speak at a university (Charleston Southern University) where I live in Charleston, SC.

In the below video, I tell my story of how I got started in business, and how I overcame certain struggles and give 4 key lessons for young aspiring entrepreneurs.

You can watch the video below:


There have been many times where I was trying to figure things out and felt like quitting. For years I felt like I was completely spinning my wheels and making no progress.

However, what I didn’t realize at the time was that the trial and error I was going through was building a foundation for great results in the future. I learned the hard way exactly what worked and what didn’t to get results online – and overtime did less of what didn’t work and more of what did.

Most people quit right before they are about to have a breakthrough. You must realize that this is part of the process and that if you keep at it long enough you will eventually succeed.


Over the past six years, I have had many mentors that have helped me progress; it wasn’t until I invested heavily into some great mentors that I started to really see results in my business.

Some mentors were peers that gave me information for free in exchange for the knowledge I had. Some mentors I paid to get access to.

Find a good mentor who has your best interest in mind and who has achieved what you want to accomplish. Learning from a good mentor (or several) can help you skip entire levels in the game.


Starting to learn and develop your craft at a young age can give you a significant advantage, the younger you can start the better. There will likely be a period of several years where you will fail.

You should expect this; therefore, the sooner you can get started going through this process the better. The best time to go out on a limb is when you are young, or even still in college.

When you are older and have a family and a mortgage you won’t be able to take the same amount of risk. College is a great time to start experimenting on the side with business.

If you fail, you can just go back to your dorm room and figure things out the next day. I went through a several-year period making no profit, but these years were during the freshman/sophomore years of college.

By the time I finished college I was making a significant amount of money online.


When you are young, the only thing you should be investing in is yourself. Forget stocks, forget bitcoin.

Investing in yourself will give you a much better return on investment than anything else. Find out what area you want to learn more about and invest in books, courses, youtube videos, live events and more.

Ultimately, the key to your success is going to be directly proportional to your level of skill and knowledge in your specific craft. Spending money on training/consulting is not optional. It is impossible to figure everything out on your own.

– Tyler Day